Hazardous Area Loggers
All Eztek TallyBooks are multi-channel, hazardous area data loggers. They offer real-time graphical reporting and use software that is customized to client specification. TallyBooks increase safety by keeping the user away from dangerous pressures via low-voltage cables.
The optical touch-screen allows for use in wet conditions, even by workers wearing gloves.
The controls are intuitive and allow the user to alternate between a graphical and digital view of the real-time data.
· Suitable for use in Zone 2 areas (Zone 1 options with buttons
· USB port for data download in hazardous areas
· Touch screen with onscreen keyboard for data entry
· Interfaces with intrinsically safe devices
· High brightness display
· Optional panel mounting
Plug & Abandonment, Cementing Operations, Formation Isolation Valve Testing, Drilling & Completions, Casing Assembly Torque Monitoring, Drill Pipe Torque Monitoring, Tubing Hanger Pressure (THP), Well Integrity, BOP Testing, Coiled Tubing, Well Kill, Chemical Injection, Critical Valve Testing, Nitrogen Pumping, Scale Squeeze, Well Pressure Monitoring.
TestLog FAQs
No simply store and send one TestLog to complete all tasks. Typically one TestLog will replace multiple chart recorders.
Previous tests are stored on the system and are easily viewable via the test history database. Filters help narrow down the specific test file required.
Yes. The TestLog can show calculations such as flow totals and differential pressure from individual inputs.
The TestLog has a 19 inch screen showing clear real-time plotting of the test progression in real-time. Unlike paper chart recorders, you can easily view different parts of the test while it is taking place, without worrying about disrupting results. You can also change the digital display sizes on screen to make viewing from a distance easy.
With the TestLog you have one unit that can measure pressure, temperature, flow, tension, compression, load, torque, speed, and linear displacement (to name a few). Eztek configures the loggers to fit client requirements, meaning you don’t have to spend time worry about the configurations once the unit is in place.
The TestLog can typically measure 8 inputs but we can configure it for up to 20 channels.
The TestLog is easy to use and minimizes user error. Unlike a paper chart recorder, the unit does not need to be recalibrated every time it is knocked. Furthermore, the real-time viewing of a test allows operators to see how the test is progressing and spot any potential errors before more time is wasted. The automatic stability test feature eliminates the requirement to continue a failing test.
The TestLog has a 19 inch screen showing clear real-time plotting of the test progression in real-time. Unlike paper chart recorders, you can easily view different parts of the test while it is taking place, without worrying about disrupting results. You can also change the digital display sizes on screen to make viewing from a distance easy.
Eztek have supplied in hundreds of TestLogs globally for a variety of test types over the last 6 years. Feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive and many rely on TestLogs for all of their testing.
Unlike paper chart recorders, there are no moving parts in a TestLog that may be disrupted during regular use. All units are provided fully calibrated. Eztek recommends either 6 or 12 monthly calibrations in accordance with contract requirements.
The TestLog can be installed away from high-pressure equipment, with low voltage signal cables connecting it to the transducers. No pressure is local to the operator. The TestLog also allows pressure limits to be set by controlling the pump max pressure via a simple SOV.
The TestLog is designed to be very easy to use and minimizes user error. Training is given and ongoing support is provided after purchase or rental.
No, TestLog can be supplied with a range of transducers. Simply use the correct sensor for the test range.
No because this system is digital, when networked you can give your clients and third parties access to view real-time testing remotely.
Eztek works with clients to ensure that they get exactly what they require and a system that works for them. The TestLog is versatile and will be long-term reliable investment for your company. Contact us to discuss how we can help you.
Absolutely! And, whether rented or purchased, all Eztek products are provided with software configured to client requirements. Short or long-term rentals are available. Contact us to find out more.
Let’s look at a typical scenario: A series of tests at 1kpsi, 4kpsi and 10kpsi would require a different chart recorder for each range to comply with the 25-75% FS rule. The same job would only require one TestLog A similar job done overseas would involve calibration, storage and shipping of multiple paper chart recorders, including backups. These systems are not only bulky to store and ship, they can also be knocked out of calibration due to the many moving parts. The shipping and storage of two TestLog systems is much less cost-intensive and the system remains calibrated when it reaches its destination. Paper chart recorders use up paper and ink for both good and bad tests, requiring replacement chart paper and pens on a regular basis. The TestLog can be completely paperless, but if printing is required you would only print the good tests. Based on a client who carried out approx. 20 pressure tests per day, Eztek expect the purchase investment to pay off within 18-24months. If the TestLog is rented the cost savings are made from day one. The real question is this: why would you not use TestLog over a paper chart recorder? If you are unsure then please get in touch to discuss further.
Unlike paper chart recorders, TestLog does not use expensive chart paper or ink pens. If an operator makes a mistake or if the test is not successful, no physical resources are wasted, which saves cost. Additionally, test detail information can be edited after the test therefore no requirement for printing, scoring and hand writing on the test and then scanning back in.
Compared to the costs of regularly calibrating paper chart recorders, the expensive mistakes that can be made, the waste of ink and paper when a paper chart recorder is affected by environmental factors, as well as regular replacement of worn parts, the TestLog is a cost-saving alternative. Since the TestLog has no moving parts it is not as susceptible to wear and tear and Eztek provides a full follow-up service to ensure software is kept up to date at minimal cost to clients. Furthermore, the TestLog is one unit that can replace several paper chart recorders, reducing your costs even further.
Yes, the TestLog can be supplied on a workshop trolley stand for ease of use.
The TestLog has digital passport protected signatures for operators and inspectors.
The Sigma/Delta 16bit electronic system ensures maximum resolution with minimal measurement error. Typically Eztek selected sensors will provide a matching high-accuracy specification. The high accuracy transducers can cover the entire range of the sensor therefore the pressure test range does not need to be between 25 and 75% of full range as required with paper chart recorders.
Yes. With better quality reporting and a test report database, automatic stability eliminating human error and helping decisions to be made more confidently, the TestLog naturally improves company QA and assures clients that tests are clear and accurate. The TestLog can also automatically export all acceptable test lists in a csv format, which removes the requirement to manually create test lists prior to or after testing.
Improve Efficiency:
No simply store and send one TestLog to complete all tasks. Typically one TestLog will replace multiple chart recorders.
Previous tests are stored on the system and are easily viewable via the test history database. Filters help narrow down the specific test file required.
Yes. The TestLog can show calculations such as flow totals and differential pressure from individual inputs.
The TestLog has a 19 inch screen showing clear real-time plotting of the test progression in real-time. Unlike paper chart recorders, you can easily view different parts of the test while it is taking place, without worrying about disrupting results. You can also change the digital display sizes on screen to make viewing from a distance easy.
The TestLog is easy to use and minimizes user error. Unlike a paper chart recorder, the unit does not need to be recalibrated every time it is knocked. Furthermore, the real-time viewing of a test allows operators to see how the test is progressing and spot any potential errors before more time is wasted. The automatic stability test feature eliminates the requirement to continue a failing test.
The TestLog can typically measure 8 inputs but we can configure it for up to 20 channels.
With the TestLog you have one unit that can measure pressure, temperature, flow, tension, compression, load, torque, speed, and linear displacement (to name a few). Eztek configures the loggers to fit client requirements, meaning you don’t have to spend time worry about the configurations once the unit is in place.
Increase Safety:
Eztek have supplied in hundreds of TestLogs globally for a variety of test types over the last 6 years. Feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive and many rely on TestLogs for all of their testing.
Unlike paper chart recorders, there are no moving parts in a TestLog that may be disrupted during regular use. All units are provided fully calibrated. Eztek recommends either 6 or 12 monthly calibrations in accordance with contract requirements.
The TestLog is designed to be very easy to use and minimizes user error. Training is given and ongoing support is provided after purchase or rental.
The TestLog can be installed away from high-pressure equipment, with low voltage signal cables connecting it to the transducers. No pressure is local to the operator. The TestLog also allows pressure limits to be set by controlling the pump max pressure via a simple SOV.
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